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Alice defaultRenderer
Posts: n/a
Default Alice defaultRenderer - 01-28-2009, 01:32 PM

Can someone please list the renderers for windows and linux that can be used on the command line.

Alice.exe --defaultRenderer ????

The --help message is almost usefull, except it doesn't list the available renderers.

        directs System.stdOut to the console instead of the output text area.
        directs System.stdOut to the console instead of the output text area.
    --defaultRenderer|-r <classname>:
        the Renderer specified by <classname> will be used as the default Renderer
        prints this help message
Alice seems like a great tool to teach people the basics of programing. It's free, and I'm sure a lot of people have put a lot of time into developing it, and for that I am grateful.

That being said, its driving me crazy. It wont run without crashing under linux, the software renderer doesn't work, it has no list of dependencies. I've tried sun-jre 1.4.2, 1.5.0, 1.6.0, nvidia and mesa opengl drivers, wine etc. I wouldn't care at all but it is a requirement for a class I'm taking, and I'm not shelling out for a windows license to complete a course that isn't teaching me a **** thing in the first place!
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Posts: n/a
Default 01-29-2009, 11:27 AM

As a quick fix, you might try "slow and steady Alice" which does software rendering.

The other options listed under Edit>preferences are DirectX-7 and Java 3D. I believe there is a link to Java 3D on the Alice main page.
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Posts: n/a
Default 01-29-2009, 11:22 PM

I greped through some of the code and it seems that this is the list of renderers.
"DirectX 7"
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