Thread: RP4 Prototype
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RP4 Prototype
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Default RP4 Prototype - 04-01-2012, 01:59 PM

Tried getting some private testing done, but it didn't work out so well, and I'd like to keep things moving with this project, so here goes.

Feel like testing a world I'm making?

If so, read on, otherwise feel free to ignore this.

The world I'd like tested has a few new but somewhat difficult mechanics that I'd like to get some feedback on as far as playability goes.

Here's the world:

Stuff I want your feedback on:

-Functionality: Does the world load properly? If it looks dark, it's because the lights (main and ambient) are at half brightness, so feel free to adjust that if you need to.

-Aiming. Use the mouse to aim. It's new and the scripting stuff makes it kind of jerky. Is this too much of a hindrance, or is it still possible to track and hit moving targets?

-Firing. Click and hold any mouse button to fire. Does the animation look smooth? Are the sounds playing properly? Are they too loud? Do the effects work well together, or are they disruptive? Test all three guns, if you can. (Effects only written for revolvers, but each gun has distinctive shooting and reloading sounds). Finally, the game is meant to be played using autofire, so button mashing doesn't make you fire faster. Is this preferable?

-Switching weapons. Press 1 to switch your left gun, and 2 to switch your right gun. Are the switching methods intuitive enough? Do the different guns work well together?

-Reloading weapons. Guns will automatically reload when you try to fire without ammo. Would you prefer they automatically reload when the last bullet is fired? You can manually reload the left gun with 'q', the right gun with 'e', and both guns with 'r'. This is meant to support the use of different guns in each hand, as well as to enable the player to fire one gun while reloading the other. Furthermore, reloading when bullets are left in the gun is faster than reloading when empty (for the revolver, less rounds have to be loaded, and for the other two, the round doesn't have to be chambered).

-Hit detection: the zombie should register being hit on each subpart individually. Is the effect visible enough? Is the crosshair accurate from a distance? Are you able to sweep your cursor across the zombie and have hits register only while the the center of the crosshair is over the zombie (keep in mind the guns fire relatively slow compared to the speed at which you can move the cursor)?

-Improvements: Any ideas on what should be changed or added?

Many thanks in advance, guys.


Last edited by x2495iiii; 04-04-2012 at 02:47 PM.
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