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dubastot 12-03-2009 08:18 PM

Medieval Game-1 Will Survive
1 Attachment(s)
This is a game where you can:

Build a city
[I]-Build a windmill to get more gold
-Build a castle to enable you to build a barrakcs and watchtower (which doesn't work yet)
-The barracks enables you to buy troops[/I]

Command your army

This game is in its earliest stages and I would like to know if I should continue or not.

To COme Stuff:

Working watchtower
Fighting Units
Prettier Interface

Dameria 12-03-2009 09:31 PM

I like the concept of it, but I think you should work on the fighting part and AI for the other team. I think you have come a long way, so keep working on it. Is it possible to create a method where you can create an object in game? Like if you want to make more knights or something? I don't think there is but that would be great for this game.

dubastot 12-03-2009 09:33 PM

Spawning more objects is not possible. I know it is a long way, but I thought I would just everyone show what I have been doing lately.

PS: Yay! 200th post!

x2495iiii 12-03-2009 10:02 PM

Yay 200!

Anyway, you can't spawn, but you can always recycle (have the existing models keep moving back to the spawn point after they're killed or they disappear).

I'd love to see a full RTS game created in Alice. I've heard some people say they'd try to make one, but it never got anywhere.

dubastot 12-04-2009 04:19 PM

Well I won't be going back to this one for a while because I have started a new project. Anyone who wants to continue it can for at least the time being.

dubastot 12-12-2009 02:00 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Here is the latest version with a feature where when the mouse is over the knight or gunmen buying button the buttons expand. A few other hidden feature have been added. And x249iii, I would like to know if you could optimize it so there is less lag. Thanks!

Delpenator 12-12-2009 08:49 PM

I'm just going to point out a few errors in the combat, just so you don't have to search for as many. :D One, only the enemy gets the windmill(either you didn't get to it, or wanted it that way, but just pointing it out if you forgot.:)). Two, since it was so laggy I sped up the game to see what would happen in combat. After my two knights killed the first red troop, they moved to the other two. But when one of them died, they turned silver and switched sides! Once the gut even got really fat while doing this, like REALLY fat, but went back to normal. Since that only happened once so probably a fluke. Then, no one ever died again, just kept swinging their swords.

Don't take this the wrong way, I really like this idea.:) I'm just doing some of the error checking for you. :cool:

dubastot 12-13-2009 10:27 AM

First of all ,if you want to buy a windmill you click on the +$ button. I know about all the other problems, but I haven't quite got around to looking at them yet.

CodeMan 09-01-2013 12:26 PM

Nice Job
Might I suggest for your problem with a limited number of objects (knights) make your barracks only have a limited number of knights in it. Then when one dies u can recycle them. :D
Hope it helps

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