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vanganh300071 10-08-2008 12:59 AM

Why two files?
Why two files Alice.exe and SlowAndSteadyAlice.exe ?
I think the file named Alice.exe is for use with computers having high-quality hardware graphics capability, whereas the file named SlowAndSteadyAlice.exe is for use with computers that don't have that capability.
Is it right or not?

DickBaldwin 10-08-2008 12:31 PM

[quote=vanganh300071;6998][URL=""]nha khoa[/URL] : Why two files Alice.exe and SlowAndSteadyAlice.exe ?
I think the file named Alice.exe is for use with computers having high-quality hardware graphics capability, whereas the file named SlowAndSteadyAlice.exe is for use with computers that don't have that capability.
Is it right or not?[/quote]
Generally correct, but I would change the emphasis to say that Alice.exe is for computers with relatively normal display hardware and SlowAndSteadyAlice.exe is for computers with poor display hardware.

Dick Baldwin
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DensetsuNoKaboom 07-13-2010 11:33 AM

So if your hardware is OK, then either file will work?

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