Alice Version 3.5 Released
By Eric Brown

We are excited to announce a new release of Alice 3 version 3.5. You can download the newest version here. This release includes many performance improvements under the hood as well as some often requested features and bug fixes.

New Features and Feature Improvements

• One Shot list in scene editor now includes all possible procedures
• sModel type now supports say and think (shapes can now talk!)
• The compare list was extended to include color and paint
• The Default number list now includes 0
• Added set and get indexed value into procedure and function list for all array properties
• Improved bounding box for camera to enable for collision and proximity events
• Improved ability to open an Alice world from save file

Bug Fixes

• Fixed a striation of textures when objects are in close proximity
• Key Events were blocking when multiple listeners used same inputs this has been resolved to insure all key events are processed
• Fixed an issue that was causing functions with nested conditionals to return a false “missing return value”  that was requiring unnecessary code to resolve.
• Fixed an issue that was causing odd behavior when scaling and resizing box objects
• Vehicle not reporting as error when correctly implemented
• Marker buttons are now updating correctly when making a selection change
• Fixed issue with square dune resource breaking worlds

Stability and Performance Improvements

• Improved code execution to continue running in more cases
• Cleaned up several recoverable errors that resulted in angry queen and other performance issues

NetBeans Bug Fixes

• Fixed bugs on NetBeans project import and code generation.
• Fixed NetBeans bugs for incorrect order of operations and processing parentheses that affected conditionals and math