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King Gamer(gorit)
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Unhappy Ok - 02-07-2010, 09:29 PM

Well I most say I withdraw my previous comment.(wasn't thinking clearly after hurting my hip, falling asleep at 5 and walking up at 12 then falling asleep again at five in the morning) Just to say the whole python or jython whatever you want to call it can be used for saving games. I am suprised no one realized this earlier. I had known that this was posible for a while but didnt speak up.
P.S. I had known because I knew this type of scripting was posibe in alice after reading various threads.
EDIT: Ok, well I would like to know more about python so, Zonedabone may you please give me a crash course on python soon.

Last edited by King Gamer(gorit); 02-07-2010 at 10:14 PM. Reason: Wanted to add some stuff
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