Thread: Slide Puzzle
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Slide Puzzle
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Default Slide Puzzle - 02-23-2010, 12:38 AM

I'm working on a slide puzzle game. It's a very simple one and the only difference is it uses numbers instead of pictures. I'll upload it once it's actually 'playable' because right now I barely have the basics done.

Here's a list of what's finished so far:

- game set up
- loading screen (with animation too! )
- generates random puzzles (with proper tessellation!)
- cursor that selects square
- cursor movement with boundaries

Here's a list of what needs to be done:

- menu*
- ability to move slide pieces
- puzzle answer (so the game knows when it's done)
- better cursor capabilities

*I have something special planned for the menu, but you'll have to wait for me to finish it in order to find out
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