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Smile 01-03-2011, 03:05 PM

Originally Posted by CodyAM1993 View Post
I would recommend Alice 2.2 for two main reasons. One, because Alice 3.0 is still in beta testing, and two, because Alice 2.2 is very user friendly as is Alice 2.0, however, Alice 2.2 has much more features. You can download a version of Alice 2.2 with the tutorials from the website. I would recommend the book Learning to Program with Alice by Wanda Dann because it's very simply understood. It includes many projects that will help you learn to use most of the basic features of Alice. Take advantage of these forums when your learning Alice though. Some of the techniques used to create the practice projects in this book can be done a much simpler way. Good luck.
Thanks for your help.
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