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Aidan-ish 01-28-2010 04:02 PM

The Monty Project
Hey guys I need some help with the monty project on Alice. I have got it so you can chose the doors but I don't know how to make it so that it either knows which ones you have chosen already or any way to make it work. I need to make it so it shows a monkey after you chose your first door than have the ability to chose another door and that last door decides whether or not you win the car or get another door with a monkey. This is very hard to explain on a forum, Any help would be appreciated. It is the second project in Chapter 9.

Niteshifter 05-28-2010 12:22 PM

There are a couple ways to do this but they have the same sort of thought process behind them. What you need to do is assign the object behind the door to the door, whether it be by using clever table manipulation (I won't get into detail on this because it's a little confusing), or actually setting the door's vehicle as the object behind it.

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